Plugin Request Pixelmon Events

Discussion in 'Plugin Help/Development/Requests' started by Camostgr, Jun 20, 2015.

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    Hi. I am hoping to get a plugin that I've been planning out for a while developed. My idea for this plugin was inspired by a game I love to play Marvel War of Heroes. I enjoy the way the events work and I thought to myself, "how cool would that be to have something this enjoyable on my minecraft server?" I will be getting a server hosted in the next few weeks with Host Horde as my host and i want it to function with a very competitive touch to the standard Pixelmon mod gameplay. I know there are other plugins to add competitiveness, but I believe this will be infinitely more enjoyable. Below is my explanation of the requested plugin and some example commands that would be necessary to be included in the plugin.

    This Plugin, with a name yet to be determined, will add an Events system to Pixelmon that will be new to Minecraft. The game types will e based on the following events from Marvel War of Heroes: War and Proving Grounds. Players can form alliances and play events side by side with their friends trying to come in the top ranks to get amazing customizable (by Operators) rewards! Players will collect points for completing tasks such as defeating bosses, wild pokemon, and NPC Trainers! Set checkpoints for accumulating a certain amounts of points and set rewards for players to receive for achieving that goal. This plugin also adds in a sidebar on the screen that displays all of the current event info such as player rank, a players points, what event is going on, and a players alliance rank.

    /Pixevent start <event>
    Starts a certain event
    /Pixevent end <event>
    Ends a certain event
    /Pixevent set checkpoint <points> <reward> <quantity>
    Allows you to make it so that (for example) if a player reaches 200 points, they can get a stack (64x) of Diamonds.
    /Pixevent <disqualify/undisqualify> <player>
    Allows you to disqualify or undisqualify certain players from the current event
    /Pixevent points <give/take> <player> <points>
    Give or take a certain amount of points to/from players
    /Pixevent points reset <player>
    Resets everyone's or a specific player's points
    /Pixevent setboss <points>
    Type in this command, then right click an NPC trainer to set how many points players get for defeating it.
    /Pixevent multiplier <player> <multiplier>
    Give certain players a multiplier on their score, so that if they have a multiplier of 3x and they defeat an NPC player worth 200 points, they will get 600 instead! A great donation to offer for your server.
    /Pixevent alliance <create/disband> <alliance>
    Players may disband their own alliance (if in leader position), but operators may disband any alliance of their choosing by inserting the alliance name at the end of the command
    /Pixevent alliance <leave/join> <Alliance>
    Use this command to join or leave an alliance
    /Pixevent alliance kick <player>
    Kick a player from your alliance
    /Pixevent alliance invite <player>
    Use this command to join an alliance!
    /Pixevent alliance info <alliance>
    Brings up a set of info about an alliance including, but not limited to, a list of members, if there are open slots in the alliance, past event rankings, and their rival alliances.
    /Pixevent alliance limit <alliance> <number>
    The default alliance member limit is five members, but you can make it higher by using this command and specifying how many members can be added to a certain alliance. Another good idea to have as a donation feature on a server.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Moved to Bukkit alternatives
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