Pickaxe Enchantment Tokens

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by andrewginn, Oct 29, 2014.

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    Hello I have been thinking about making this plugin myself but I cant seem to get my head round the depth and tuts of Java, So i bought the book :D (Java for Dummies) Anyways lets get into this. This plugin will give you tokens called Pickaxe Tokens. What you can do with these is go to a sign at spawn and choose your desired Enchantment, But the way you can get pickaxe tokens is from opening crates. (Linked with CrateReloaded)
    The enchants
    This is the list of enchants which I want implemented in the plugin:
    Explosion: Up to 500 (10x10 area of the explosion this is only for level 500 it is lower for other levels) 4 Tokens
    Fortune: They can click on the sign to upgrade there fortune with the tokens. Up to 5000. 3 Tokens
    Strength: Up to 5, They can enchant this onto swords only, when they hold the sword it gives them strength. 50 Tokens
    Speed: Up to 5. This can go on any tool Gives them added Speed whenever they buy . 20 Tokens
    Smite: Up to 3, Only on swords. This gives them a chance 5% chance added on everytime they upgrade to hit the oppenent with lightning. 100 Tokens.
    Night Vision: Up to 1. Can see in the night. 10 Tokens.
    Armour: Up to 15.This gives the opponent who kills the person a chance to drop the armour, fully repaired without a scratch. 55 Tokens.

    Anyways I hope whoever is reading this can put my ideas to life and make it fun for my server. If this plugin can be private I would give you a rank on my server if you wanted. Thank you for reading this thread as it took me a long time to think of these ideas. Thank you for listening and have a great day folks! :D


    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 14, 2016
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