Plugin category: Mechanic Suggested name: PhotonFuse What I want: I'd like a plugin that makes a spawner explode if any block within a three block radius has a light level equal to or in excess of light level 7. The explosion should 'destroy' everything in a 5 block cuboidal radius and should have a blast pressure of 10. The plugin should be able to remove blocks without using the explosion, so as to keep it viable in servers that prevent explosion damage. Only Zombie, Skeleton, Spider, and Cave spider spawner should be affected by this. Ideas for commands: /photonfuse exempt - adds spawner to a list of spawner coordinates that are exempt from detonating. Ideas for permissions: Photonfuse.exempt - Allows use of /photonfuse exempt When I'd like it by: February 6th For those that may be wondering, this plugin is meant to make dungeons harder to harvest materials from and mob grinders more difficult to make, but not impossible. Dungeons are a joke now, and only serve to devalue mob materials to the point where there's no real economy for them. EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.