Solved PEX Working, and not working..

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by rektok, Nov 21, 2012.

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    I'd just use PermissionsEx's built in commands for managing users instead of a complicated third-party method.

    Try this: /pex user rektok group set Owner
    Type a chat message. If you don't see a prefix, try this: /pex group Owner prefix &f[&6Owner&f]
    Then try typing a chat message, and please post what happens here.

    PS: Try removing the default: false from each group. PEX will only look for default: true when loading permissions. In my past experiences, putting default: false can cause issues when reading the perms.
  3. Offline


    I don't actually see /rank in the pex command list.

    Maybe /pex user <user> group set <group>
    is what you should be using?

    Or if your aiming for the ranked ladder system, Pex wiki says to use /pex promote and /pex demote, though 5donor has rank '[350'] which is incorrect and there should be no [ ]
  4. Offline


    look at my plugins. I'm using PexRank.

    That worked, but... It still has
    [Owner][Owner] rektok:

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 30, 2016
  5. Offline


    Probably the Prefix + Group displayed, take the group variable out of the EssentialsChat config
  6. Offline


    Remove EssentialsChat or ChatManager (one or the other).
  7. Offline


    You must be using Group Formats, so you don't need your prefixes to be like that. Prefixes are supposed to be like '&9' and stuff, using the ranks as prefixes is only something noobies would do. (yes, there are a lot of n00bs out there)
  8. Offline


    Essentials chat = Chatmanager. Essentials antibuild = Modifyworld.

    Pick one. The red pill or the blue pill.
    afistofirony likes this.
  9. Offline


    i fixed the prob guys. it wasnt with the chatmanager, or the essentials or anything. here's the prefix i was using.
    for some reason the &f made a duplicate of the "&3User." When i removed the &f, it was fine. and mattjtv
    Your idea didnt work, but it gave me the idea to do this, so thanks, :) and to all the other people, i give thanks to as well. P.S mattjtv I would apologize to all the "Noobies" out there, cus.. they were right, and you were wrong, so...your kinda the noob. :l
  10. Offline


    I'm pretty sure the majority of servers use prefixes to display ranks. :rolleyes:
  11. Offline


    This is probably the most misinformed comment I will read all day.
  12. Offline


    Yep, n00bs everywhere! Atleast on my server, it would show "MattJTV is now AFK". Every other server shows "[Guest]MattJTV is now AFK". Oh and on lists, it shows Everyones freaking rank, on mine is it is very clean. Thanks for telling me this, N00b! :)
  13. Offline


    Well, that depends on how much you've configured Essentials and other plugins that handle lists and AFK. On my server, players have prefixes when they speak, but the lists/messages only show their usernames.

    EDIT: Less subjective pronouns.
  14. Offline


    I would think the "n00b" here is the guy (that would be you) who thinks that just because HE doesn't prefer something on a list, then everyone who DOES prefer it on a list is a "n00b".
  15. Offline


    Prefixes are supposed to be COLORS! Like &9 or &l. If you try to change someones name color, you can't.
  16. Offline


    i tried typing this in the prefix
    prefix: '[&5]'
    Know what happened?


    so... it doesnt work...
  17. Offline


    What the f.... You don't use the brackets. The prefix should be "&5", and then use Essentials Group Formats to display the chat format of that rank
  18. Offline


    Tell that to the hundreds of servers which use prefixes to tell the player's group.
  19. Offline


    OMG! That is a great idea! RID THE NOOBIES!

    Btw, what is so hard about /pex user <user> group set <group>?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 30, 2016
  20. Offline


    You're missing the point.

    Let me try a different perspective - a formal title/prefix.

    Let's say you work at a large company, and are an important person in the company. Your prefix would be something like:
    - Mr. Matt
    - Director Matt
    - Brother Matt

    Or, if you were in the military:
    - Sergeant Matt
    - General Matt
    - etc.

    It wouldn't be:
    - Matt
    - Matt
    - Matt

    Do you see my point of view?
  21. Offline


    Well you format the name. You would have:
    [&8General&f] &7{DISPLAYNAME}:&f {MESSAGE}
    In your group formats. It would still show up, but you can give the user a custom name color with prefixes.
  22. Offline


    Ahh, I see your point of view. However, in my experience, this could be done with a prefix like '&8[&cOwner&8]&4' and a chat format such as '%prefix %name&f: %suffix%message' so that the prefix is the group name (with a color option added on) and the suffix serves to color the chat.
  23. Offline


    ... yeah you can.

    Seriously... I'm unsure why you are crying so hard because most people like how the prefix option works... sure there are more ways to tag a name, and perhaps you prefer your way.

    I'm sure in your own little world that you are the god of how names should look on a minecraft server... some of us like the results we get, and that is why we are using them.

    Only a nub would think he's better than everyone else because he uses a different method of prefixes... in minecraft... now please stop crying about this, or go back to 4chan where other people of your mentality might actually care.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 30, 2016
  24. Offline


    for a thread that is solved is sure getting a lot of posts. xD
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