PEX or bPermissions?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by Tadas159, Dec 18, 2011.

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  1. Offline


    bPermissions has a VERY picky YAML Parser, sometimes it throws out structurally correct files.
    PermissionsEx likes to inject itself into Bukkit, and break things.
  2. Offline


    Definately switch to GM ;) All our problems disappeared after doing so.
  3. Offline


    go for PEX its the best trust me
  4. Offline


    You didn't read the posts in this thread, did you? :p
  5. Offline


    Since you're starting out, I'd definitely recommend bPermissions FAR over PEX.

    I used PEX just cause a friend of mine did - and I'm waiting for an opportunity to switch.
  6. Offline


    PEX is one of the few that support MySQL. It is also much richer in features than other permission plugins. Unfortunately, this comes with the price of many bugs, according to other people. I have had no problems with PEX so far (used it since February).

    Because of the rather unique features PEX offers, it is my choice.
  7. Offline


    I've been using PEX for a long time.
    But when I tried to import my PEX config into bPermissions to try it out,
    certain plugins would not accept certain permission nodes, or any altogether.
    It made everything harder for me and didn't provide any notable benefits over PermissionsEx.

    Future Note: Don't try swapping permissions plugins unless you want trouble.
    chakyl likes this.
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