PEX - '*' doesn't give all permissions?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by AdamN, Jan 21, 2014.

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    I'm using the plugin EchoPet and there is multiple permission associated with it... Why is it that giving my Owner group the permission - '*' doesn't actually give permission to all of the commands?
    Here's what my group did look like:
    But that still didn't give me access to the command /pet remove . The permission needed to use that command is so I added
    - echopet.*
    - echopet.*.*
    and still, I didn't have permission to use the command until I actually added
    .... Why?
    Why isn't - '*' good enough?
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    AdamN Some plugins just don't support the - '*' wildcard. Because of this, it's always important to check your plugin's documentation pages to see which permission nodes you may or may not need to add.
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    mbaxter ʇıʞʞnq ɐ sɐɥ ı

    When using PEX, '*' grants EVERY node. Even the nodes that plugin authors specifically labeled as not for OPs.
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    mbaxter Alrighty, then I'll let you give an explanation to AdamN for why he doesn't have permission to use the commands until he added the specific nodes. I know '*' is supposed to give everything, but in my experience, sometimes it doesn't. Apparently my experience is wrong.
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