PEX Command Block Compatability

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by AdamN, Feb 16, 2014.

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    Suggested name: PEXBlocks

    What I want:
    A plugin that makes Command blocks support the PermissionsEx plugin.

    For example the ability to put in a command block: /pex user @p[r=5] add <permission> [life time in seconds] [world]
    Take a look at this for a list of commands included in PEX:

    Basically I want a plugin that allows you to use @p @r @a and all the other command block-specific commands in replace of the <user> field that's included in PEX.

    Ideas for permissions: No permissions needed.

    When I'd like it by: take as long as you need.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    AdamN That would require us to modify PEX, and isn't it working already then?
  3. Offline


    There is a plugin that adds a wrapper for commndblocks. Cbwrapper I think
  4. Offline


    Wasn't suggesting modifying the plugin, you know how cray cray the moderators get when you mention stuff like that :/
    Although this plugin looks really useful and if fact I've just added it and have a use for it, it doesn't really help with my problem... It simply runs commands as a fake player, that doesn't solve the problem of wanting to target the nearest player..
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    I know, probably because you need to.
    But again: isn't it working already? We can't check from where the command ran. Only if it was a player that ran the command
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    If you are talking about non-PEX commands, then it will be up for the plugin to support it, and requires modifying the plugin.
    If you are talking about PEX commands, as far as im aware they do work, and even if they dont, it still requires modifying the plugin.

    However i dont think you explained what you mean by being "compatible", judging by your previous post, explain your issue more properly.
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    /pex user @p group set Admin
    into a command block does nothing.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    What is the output of the commandblock then?
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    Honestly? I don't even know what I'm talking about... I just want the command blocks to work!

    /pex user @p group set Admin
    but it doesn't set the closest player to that group...
  10. Offline

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    That is the input, what is the output? The second box on the commandblock
  11. Offline


    AdamN Explain what is the issue exactly and what you expect to happen.
  12. Offline

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Necrodoom AdamN Running them on my test server, only some weird stuff due to my bad redstone wiring.
    But they do work fine
  13. Offline


    That's the output.
    Well they don't on my server... Did you have to change any config setting or anything?

    Command blocks don't run the commands properly, and I want them to. Not sure what else to say. This is no longer a plugin request it seems.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    AdamN How do you check if it worked?
  15. Offline


    timtower Button on the command block, had myself and a friend press the button. Nothing happened. Also tried while we were both op'd, still nothing. Also tried adding permissions to the nearest player using command blocks, again, nothing.
  16. Offline

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    AdamN Try this:
    set your rank to a different group to the commandblock
    /pex user <yourusername>
    Click the button, same command again
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    timtower Just did /pex user myname group set Moderator and tried using a command block that did /pex user @p group set Owner
    Didn't work.
    Also tried /sudo @p pex user @p group set Admin
    even if sudo did work the player wouldn't have permission to do it.

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