Perworld Tabs 1.9

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Turtle123mlg, May 24, 2016.

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    Hello, I was wondering if anyone could make a 1.9 perworldtabs plugin. If you do not know what I mean then perworldtabs is a plugin that will separate each worlds tab. For example if someone was in the hub and pressed tab they would only see the players in the hub world but then if someone went to factions they would only see the players in the factions world. And something that is very important is shares what I mean by shares of course is lets say there were 2 factions worlds and someone pressed tab I would want it to see the people in both worlds, so basically I want to be able to make it so 2 worlds share 1 tab. If someone could make this in the next month that would be great. And if you decide to make it KEEP ME UPDATED!
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