Plugin Request Perworld Sethome

Discussion in 'Plugin Help/Development/Requests' started by H1DD3NxGames, Jan 7, 2015.

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    Name: Per-World Sethome

    What do i want:
    I want a plugin that is just a per-world sethome (DON'T tell me to use Spawnhomeplus i don't really like it) I would like it so i can configure how many homes each rank gets so donators can get more homes then other people. If its possible please have it so when i add the plugin people will keep their homes that they already set so they don't loose them.
    - i would like to see the players homes
    - Colorful (you can choose the colors)
    - Need it to override essentials sethomes
    - Need a warm-up (configured time) for when someone tp's home

    You May Choose the colors that go in this:

    Home Set in <World>.
    Home has been deleted in <World>.
    Teleported to your home <Home Name> in <World>!
    Warm-up cancelled due to some type of movement.

    /sethome {Name}
    /delhome {Name}
    /delhome {Player}{Name}
    /homes {Player} - you see the players homes in the world you are in.
    /home {Name}
    /pwh reload
    When a player does /home or /home name they get teleported to their home in the current world they are in.

    Permissions: pwh = Per-world home
    pwh.home - Goes to home (if have more then one home have his homes listed to decide which home to go to) - sees all homes
    pwh.sethome - set's home
    pwh.sethome.multiple - Allows player to have multiple homes, or create named homes
    pwh.sethome.multiple.[Set name] - Raise the multiple home limit to a setting defined in the config file.(somewhat how essentials looks)
    pwh.delhome - deletes/ removes homes
    pwh.delhome.player - Deletes players home - Default set to op - Get to see {players} homes - Default set to op
    pwh.reload - gets to reload the config
    pwh.* - Gets all listed permissions

    When would i like this done by: ASAP

    Thank you and i hope you make this :D.
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2015
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    So can anyone help me?
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    I'll look into this :)

    Edit: Okay, I already started, I can't tell when it will be finished :) Maybe today, maybe tomorrow or in 2 days :)

    Last edited: Feb 16, 2015
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    Thank you
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    Are you almost finished?
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    @EnveRuleZZ Cannot see that you have responded. Please Tag people using the 'Tahg User' option at the bottom right corner of one of their comments. When you do this, they will get a notification that you have messaged them

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  12. @H1DD3NxGames I might add this to my PerWorldSpawns plugin and make it so you can disable both options. If I get time I will do that and link you when it's done.
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    @bwfcwalshy that will be great, but with the perworld spawn, when someone leaves and rejoins will they be in the spot they where when they left the server?
  14. @H1DD3NxGames No, I may add that feature in the future (toggable of course) but that is for the future.
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    @bwfcwalshy ok, that will be great. Can't wait till it's done :D
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    @bwfcwalshy hey any chance you almost got the plugin done?
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    Hey try the plugin HomeSpawnPlus It isolate home and spawn
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    @H1DD3NxGames since i'm not sure if this was ever filled, i can make it. im not sure exactly when i will finish it, since i have finals for school, but I'll definitely do it.
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    @shades161 thank you, just make sure its for Java 7 or it wont work
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    @H1DD3NxGames I compile all my plugins on Java 6/7 and anything made on Java 5/6 are compatible with 7 and 8. so don't worry. the plugin will work with java 7
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    Okay, I have started making this.
    I have the basic functionality working. I still need to add deleting other players homes, the tp warm-up (which im not yet sure how to do), the per group home limit (You will probably need to have Vault 1.4.1 to make this work).

    Should be done in a few days, depending on how much free time I have to work on it!
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    @H1DD3NxGames Okay, I have a first version here. (Still missing the TP Warm-up)


    /sethome pwh.sethome - Set 'default' home in players current world
    /sethome [name] pwh.sethome.multiple - Allows a player to set homes with names
    /delhome [name] pwh.delhome
    /delohome [Player] [World] [Home] pwh.delhome.others - Allows someone to delete other players home.
    /homes - shows all homes
    /homes [Player] - Allow player to show others homes
    /home [Name] pwh.home - Allow tp to home

    Let the plugin run once, then set the max homes per group in the config.
    I havent been able to find a way to transfer homes from Essentials so far.
    And as mentioned above I still need to add the TP warm-up.

    Let me know if there are any bugs, or if there is anything you want changing!
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    @CGA1123 thank you, ill test it when i get home. Not rushing, but when can you add a warm-up, and if you do add one, can you make it so i can change the warn-up in the config. and if you do that please make a permission so people that has the permission (pwh.bypass) they get to bypass the warm-up

    @CGA1123 i got home to test the plugin and there are some bugs, for one, i cant set the max homes per ranks in the config. this is whats in the config:

    prefix: '&7[&3PerWorldHomes&7]&r '
    id: (Not Showing ID)

    When I do /homes it says in quote, "An internal error occurred while attempting to perform this command"
    same when i go to set a home. The plugin is in my server running, just not working.

    Please get this fixed ASAP.

    (if you didn't my server is spigot 1.8 for java 7, if that helps any)


    EDIT by Timtower: merged posts
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 12, 2015
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Moved to Bukkit alternatives
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    I compiled the plugin for bukkit 1.7.9. I don't know whether that would have an effect.

    Can you post the internal error? (It should print a stack trace to your server console.)

    Also, your config should create extra fields when the plugin starts, which let you change max homes per group.

    The homes error is probably due to no homes existing, I forgot to add a check for that...
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2015
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