Persistence - how do I Make a plugin open anothers db

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Sammy, Apr 23, 2011.

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    Can someone tell me how do I access a database of a plugin with other plugins ?
    Here is the method that I want another plugin to use

        public void RemoveBounty(String ply) {
            PersistenceDataBase plyReg = OpenDataBase(ply);
    The OpenDataBase method is this one
        private PersistenceDataBase OpenDataBase(String ply) {
            PersistenceDataBase persistenceClass = plugin.getDatabase().find(PersistenceDataBase.class).where().ieq("playerName", ply).findUnique();
            if (persistenceClass == null) {
                persistenceClass = new PersistenceDataBase();
            return persistenceClass;
    And this is how I declare the variable
        sdLaw plugin;
        public BountyHandler(sdLaw plugin) {
            this.plugin = plugin;
    When the 2nd plugin runs the method from the first I get a null error here:
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    Plugin 1 should provide an interface for plugin 2 to modify plugin 1's database. Plugin 2 should hook into plugin 1 and use this interface.
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    Mr. Plugin was dating Miss Plugin, but when Miss Plugin found Mr. Plugin digging in her lingerie drawer, she broke his jaw.

    If a plugin's data should be accessible to another plugin, it should provide API functions. One plugin should never be directly accessing the data of another plugin.
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    Well the problem is here:
     PersistenceDataBase persistenceClass = plugin.getDatabase().find(PersistenceDataBase.class).where().ieq("playerName", ply).findUnique();
    Then debugging I found that the second plugin.getDatabase() doesn't come with Ebean configuration...
    That configuration only works if I'm using the first plugin to get the database.

    Well I solved it, thank people =)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 14, 2016
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