Solved PermissionsEx just gives everyone the default perms and prefix

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by xLegitPanda, Aug 25, 2016.

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    I have tried a lot to fix but nothing has worked. I am hoping someone here can help me fix it so I can run my server properly :)

    Here is my file so far -
  2. @xLegitPanda What is it you need exactly? Just use the group "default" that comes with PEX and set your permission nodes in it. You can do this by doing '/Pex group default add <Permission Node> or for prefixes use /Pex group default prefix <Prefix>
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    I manged to get it to work :) I just don't know how to remove the 1st 'Owner' tag
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    The first one should be Essentials, afaik
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    Thank you but I got it to work :)

    EDIT by Timtower: marked as solved.
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