PermissionsBukkit is a downgrade compared to Permissions 3.0?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by blackvoid, Aug 2, 2011.

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    In bukkit 1000 theres now a built-in permissions plugin. As Ive seen in the wiki and on the plugin page theres no SQL support. So when will it support MySQL or other database servers? Never?

    Right now I cant see any reason to change from permissions 3.0 since that would give me much more job, cause i have to manually add users instead of letting my script set the ranks automatically.
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    In game commands no big issue. but i kinda see ur point if you have a very large server. but its not bukkit that needs to add the support for sql its permissionsbukkit or another grouping plugin that dose the same thing.
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    Theres no point having the built in if theres no SQL, well thats for me and server owners that wants to control the server permissions outside of minecraft.
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    PermissionsBukkit is simply a plugin that implements Bukkit Permissions.

    Bukkit Permissions is a layer between the permission manager (the plugin which can use SQL, have in-game commands, etc) and the permissions user (the plugin which asks if a user has a permission).

    The benefit to being built it, is that now a plugin does not need to specifically depend on Permissions, but can instead implement Bukkit Permissions, and any other plugin like PermissionsBukkit, bPermissions can then implement them.

    So, server admins pick their preferred backend, and plugin developers don't have to worry about it anymore if all they want to know is if a player has a permission.
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    oh, i see. Is there a link on how this system works for people like me that want to develop a permissions manager using it? Couldnt find anything about it on the wiki.
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