
Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by ARandomBob, Nov 25, 2011.

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    I don't know what is going over my head, but I can't seem to get permissions working. I don't know what permissions plugin I should be using, but I only need one thing set up. This plugin
    I just want 2 groups. One for admins to have everything. The other for everyone so I can put /spawn and /home, /sethome and stuff like that in. Seems like it should be easy, but I just don't understand what to do.
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    It sounds like the Basics plugin doesn't support PermissionsBukkit, and by extension, SuperPerms. You'll need to either find another plugin, such as Essentials, that does support the newest Permissions plugins, or you'll need to install the SuperpermsBridge plugin (which is part of PermissionsBukkit) to get it working. If you're not using PermissionsBukkit, I'm sure there are other Permissions plugins that have similar 'bridge' functionality for older plugins that don't yet support SuperPerms, but I've never used them so I'm not familiar with them.
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