Okay so im planning on setting up a 24/7 jail rpg server with a few friends...it'll be great...hints scattered around...you can form gangs.....secret things like a sewer system and shops and stuff...i got it all in there but i got one MAJOR problem that i really cant flipping figure out.... PERMISSIONS Idk what it is about it but it really confuses me..... Can someone either link me to a vid? or tell me through words? idk just help me out please....or if you recommened a different plugin thats fine too and ill look into it...Thanks a ton P.S.....I know im retarded XD
Me too. I've been searching and searching for hours and hours. Just trying to add a currency system to the server me and my brothers play on. HOWEVER, it seems it gives everyone admin powers and I can't figure out how to disable things like /fireball for normal users xD I keep finding posts that are seemingly outdated or no longer used for permissions. Really at a minimum I want: iConomy LWC and some sort of way to set up shops and buy things with the iConomy money. .... but...as far as that...i think I can figure it out. However all the permissions documention I've come across is old. I don't even know what plugin to use xD
Perhaps you should tell us which Permissions Plugin you use or planing to use Permission 3.1.6 Plugin Permission 2.7.4 Plugin Permissions Bukkit 1.1 And I'm sure there are much more
For the love of god dont learn the top two they are outdated choose between permissions bukkit bpermissions permissionsEx Now is a bad time to have to learn permissions. The 3 plugins i listed support the new bukkit superperms which will be the only system that future plugins support. However at the moment a lot of plugins are still making the switch to the new system. I use permissions bukkit and the permissions bridge that comes with it to interface with plugins that still use the old system. I dont recomend permissionsEx and i have not used bpermissions but i hear its good. Each plugin you add to your server will have a list of permissions somewhere on its forum page that you can add to your groups to give them access to the commands/features of the plugn. for example this is one of the worldguard permission nodes. "worldguard.superpickaxe" to give the user permissions to use the superpickaxe command. In bukkit permissions you would add this permission by putting the following permission node in the group u want have access to it. Code: worldguard.superpickaxe: true
Ok at the moment i cant decide between Permission Bukkit and bPermission (i find bPermission few minutes after my Post ) so sorry for my outdatet informations. But can u pls tell me what do you mean with the new Bukkit superperms?
It's a method player.hasPermission built into bukkit itself. Means your plugins will be supported nomatter what perms plugin you use.