
Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by DivineKyuuji, Aug 24, 2011.

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    Well I've only been back for a couple days and realized that there's Spout now and a bunch of permission things have changed. I've gotten used to Spout, but still need help with permissions.

    Should I be using the built-in permissions now or a permissions plugin and what's the best permissions plugin to use now?

    Also my main problem is chat plugins. I used to use iChat and that uses Permissions that is inactive now and I've seen some plugins are starting to use certain permissions or something. And HeroChat I don't think is working either? Or at least not the way I want. I want a plugin to make my chat look like this: "[Admin] DivineKyuuji: Hello There!"

    But some plugins only do colored names, and most have in-game commands for changing separate names while I want a certain group to be a certain color and donors to be able to choose their own color. And then some plugins only do prefix/suffix while I need prefix/suffix and colored names by group. How do I go about doing this with how permissions works now?
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    Lunar Delta

    @DivineKyuuji Herochat + PEX. Full support for pre- and suffixes, old permissions plugin support, and SuperPerms support all in one package. Easy as hell to set up; has worked flawlessly since day one.

    Using Herochat and PEX:
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    Thanks for that. I like how there's a lot of plugins, it's just hard to find the ones I want or need in them.

    Umm what do I do? Where in permissions do I put the prefix and suffix? I've done it with other permission plugins, but I couldn't find an example for this one and I don't know if it's different.

    Ok so I found an example on the last page of comments, put that in my permissions file, and permissions doesn't even work. I gave me the ability to fly and I can't fly. Also where is the user file so I can set the rank of each person? I don't have that.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 19, 2016
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