Idk what I`am doing wrong Plugin PHP: if(!sender.hasPermission("prenumerata.redaktor")){sender.sendMessage((new StringBuilder(String.valueOf(pre))).append("Message ").toString()); } Permissions.yml PHP: groups: default: default: true permissions: - todolist.* - prenumerata.redaktor Plugin.yml PHP: permissions: prenumerata.redaktor: description: Blach Blach Blach default: op I want to show a message when the group has permissions.
What happens? (error, nothing...?) change to: PHP: permissions: prenumerata.*: description: blabla children: prenumerata.redaktor: true prenumerata.redaktor: description: Blach Blach Blach default: op EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
permissions.yml (the one at the server rout) should be configured on an other way than what yopu did, the stucture is verry unclear
You want to send them the message if they have the permission yet you do if(!sender.hasPermission("prenumerata.redaktor")) That "!" basically means not so you're checking if they don't have that permission. Fix your logic.