Permissions Problem

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by noahwhygodwhy, Jun 29, 2011.

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    I've been using op for i can't remember how long, and it's worked fine, until i wanted this one plugin that needed permissions. So i tried to use it. And i messed up somewhere. I think i know where, but it means a butt load of more work for me. The pastebin is at I think the problems between lines 134 and 145. I'm not sure if i'm allowed to do something like 'BigBrother.*'. I just wanted to make sure what the problem was before i went through and found each node. One other solution i wanted but i'm not sure if it works, is there a way to have permissions for one group and have it inherited to another. but subtract one specific permission from the group? I'm using essentials group manager, kinda forgot to say that, and help would be amazing.
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