Permissions Help [Group Manager]

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by kristenrose1999, Jun 22, 2014.

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    I just got group manager. I need to set permissions with my plugins, but I don't know how.

    This is all it says so far.

    I really just need ranks for Member (default), Moderator, and Admin. I have the following plugins: AutoBroadCaster, AntiMobSpawn, BasicWarps, BDSpawn, ClearLag, ColorMe, EasyTime, Factions, Nicknames, Essentials, Global Group Manager, gSkulls, Hunger Games Map Generator Server (Doesn't really need any commands for anyone), iStaffChat, Minigames, Multiverse-Core, MultiVerse-signportals, PermissionsEx (Which I might delete because I can't figure it out), PlayerHeads, SurvivalGames and PlotMe.

    I'm not asking for anyone to do it for me. I just need to know how to do it.
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    kristenrose1999 your mappings are all wrong with this. You dont have your inheritance, prefix, build boolean, suffix or anything.

    Theres alot of tutorials on how to create permissions. And theres not a point of me explain. And also to make things less annoying / confusing for you since everyone that first uses permissions get comfused and dont have no clue how things go in order, its better to just remove all that defaut* permissions & groups thats generated with group manager when you first get the plugin. Its just there so that group manager does not give errors. So those permissions are just examples and dont really need to be there.

    check this out.

    Also. Do Not Use *TABS* For Spacing! Use Regular Spacing and not be lazy!
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    Necrodoom That right there mainly was to show him a preview of how the groups should look like. & forgot about adding the actual GroupManager website.
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    mactown21 the groupmanager wiki also has them, and these are actually correct.
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