Permission to access every command without adding every node

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by daren1093251, Nov 13, 2011.

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    Hi, I was just wondering how I can give myself the access to every plugin I have without adding all the nodes, because to start off with I have no clue how to do it. If this is possible, I would love it someone could help me! Thanks :)
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    OP them?
  3. Offline


    Ask the developer of the permissions plugin that you use. Afaik all four of the major permissions plugins have some method to do that (bPermissions, Essentials GroupManager, PermissionsEx and PermissionsBukkit).
  4. Offline


    I am the bukkit server owner .. And I did OP myself D: somebody told me to add -'*' under groups, is this correct? and thanks for the reply :)
  5. Offline


    Some permissions plugins intentionally ignore OP status when you use them (so people can rely on their permission settings to be the only thing that influences their server). The

    - '*' (there's a space between - and ' )

    should work for Essentials GroupManager, PermissionsEx and bPermissions. I just saw that PermissionsBukkit doesn't have something like that for SuperPerms, only for Permissions 2/3 legacy support. So if you really feel like you need the '*', you'll have to use one of the first three.
  6. Offline


    I have use Essentials and PermissionsEx and to give a non-op'd player all commands, I use - '*'
  7. Offline


    try permissions.*
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