Parkour Plugin

Discussion in 'Plugin Help/Development/Requests' started by ThePurpleGolem, Apr 9, 2015.

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    Plugin category: Parkour

    Suggested name: ChaosParkour

    What I want: I would like a parkour plugin that allows me to set a starting sign, and allows me to put in checkpoints (whether sign or block) When someone uses a checkpoint, they should be able to fall off and teleport back to the checkpoint. Finally I would like to set a configurable amount of money as a reward for each course. The plugin should be compatible with Vault.

    Ideas for commands: Any commands really. I just need to be able to set up the parkour course :)

    Ideas for permissions: None really. I just want people to be able to join the parkour and use checkpoints.

    When I'd like it by: Is it possible to get it within 2 weeks?
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    @Triangle_Aiden yes I have, and it does not allow you to use a configurable amount of money for seperate courses as a reward
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    @ThePurpleGolem If not anyone is making this before tomorrow im gonna work on it
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    @shadow5353 if you mean minecraft version, 1.8. Specify is it is something else.
  8. Moved to Bukkit Alternates
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    @ThePurpleGolem I had some problem with my other pc, so I cant test the plugin. But I hope it works.

    Commands & Permission
    • parkour : Shows a list of commands : chaosparkour.use
    • parkour join <name> : Join a parkour course : chaosparkour.join
    • parkour leave : Leave a parkour course : chaosparkour.leave
    • parkour reset : Reset a players checkpoint : chaosparkour.reset
    • parkour return : Return to checkpoint : chaosparkour.return
    Admin Commands & Permission
    • parkour create <name> : Create a parkour course : chaosparkour.create
    • parkour remove <name> : Remove a parkour course : chaosparkour.remove
    • parkour setstart <name> : Set start for a parkour course : chaosparkour.setstart
    • parkour setreward <name> : Set reward for a parkour course : chaosparkour.return
    • parkour setlobby : Set lobby, where players gets teleported when they are done : chaosparkour.setlobby

    There are two signs, checkpoint & finish, to make a checkpoint sign, write "%checkpoint%" in the first line, and the finish sign, write "%end%" in the first line.

    Download here
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    @shadow5353 It is great, however there are a few bugs. The first bug is that when you die, it doesn't return you to the checkpoint and/or start.
    (I know that /parkour return is there but I would like it to be automatic) The second bug is that when you finish a parkour course (I don't know if this is on purpose) it doesn't take you out of it. Also, the end and checkpoint signs have a [?] in the front, which I believe is supposed to make it color. I was wondering if you could fix these bugs. Your plugins are great, and my server doesn't have any developers. I was wondering (only if you want to) if you could become a developer for my server. Again, just asking if you want to. Anyway, great job and I appreciate the help.
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2015
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