Paintball Plugin

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by TMAN93436, Apr 2, 2013.

  1. Offline


    I came up with an idea to make a paintball server but the plugins I tried are either outdated or not up to standards.
    What I Need:

    - Paintballs (maybe coloured snowballs?)
    - Armor (Customizeable)
    - Ranks
    - Kill Count
    - Spectators
    - Teams (Basic teams: Red, Blue, Green, Yellow)

    Please reply if someone can do this for me.:)
  2. Offline


  3. Offline


    Yes I have tried that but I need it with a way to change the texture of the snowball to make it look like a Paintball?
    and A paintball gun
  4. This is impossible, the plugins can't change a item look or add items to your server, the only thing what plugins do is changing a function. So if you want a paintball mod with real looking guns, textures and more, you need make a vanilla server (default minecraft server) and install it there. There are only a few mods working on bukkit or maybe none.

    So I recommend to install a vanilla server and put the mod in there.
  5. Offline


    Another possibility is to simply use paintball pure war, and then make your own texture pack for the custom textures.
    This is probably the easiest way to fullfill your request, since custom textures/items are only possible to add using another client, like SpoutCraft or similar.

  6. Yes, with texture packs It will be possible.
  7. Offline


    I will do it in vanilla, I found a Paintball mod that is awesome.
  8. Goodluck with it :D

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