Page title of a new page has "(deDE)" added

Discussion in 'BukkitDev Information and Feedback' started by blablubbabc, Aug 23, 2013.

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    Hey, I currently got a problem I can't seem to figure out, how to solve:

    The Page
    has in the view above an "(deDE)" added to the end of the page title. I don't seem to see any options to remove that and of course, it is not part of the page's title (I did not add it and I can't remove it by editing the title of the page)..

    Can someone help me out?
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    When you create a page, you choose a language (very first option) depending on the localisation options you have chosen for your project. It seems as if this option cannot be edited after making the page so I'd suggest saving the source and recreating the page after deleting it - make sure to choose the English option this time. If you see a enUS prefix afterwards, try removing German from the list of supported languages by editing the project and recreate the page.
    blablubbabc likes this.
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    Okay, thanks. Seem to have overween this when I was creating the page.

    However, I now have encountered another problem (not that important though):

    I can't name my new page exactly like the old one ("Documentation / Configuration / Configuration v1.2.3 - v1.2.4"), even though the old page with that name was removed.

    I had to name the page now differently, and I wasn't yet able to change it to the old title via editing. Everytime I try to change the title to the same like the one of the old page, I get a blank white screen telling "Internal error" .. :-/
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