Solved Ops and GroupManager permissions...

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Carlo_97, Feb 21, 2012.

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    I have a little problem to set permissions because I need to /op the player if I want him to use the commands, but if they're ops they can do everything, instead I want them only to use the permissions given from the GroupManager permissions nodes.

    P.S. Please DO NOT suggest me to use any 'Permissions' plugin like PermissionsEx...
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    well GM is a "permissions" plugin :p
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    I mean anything else...
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    - permission.move
    will give that permission

    - -permission.move
    will take that permission away


    - essentials.kick
    gives permission to kick others

    - -essentials.kick
    will restrict from using /kick command

    so u can give someone

    - essentials.*
    - -essentials.kick

    so that person will have all essentials commands without kick permission

    and so go on
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