[Open Beta][WEB/ADMIN] SpaceBukkit - Web Administration the awesome way

Discussion in 'Bukkit Tools' started by Antariano, Sep 13, 2011.

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  1. Offline


    Username: demo
    Password: demo

    Have fun.

    Also, you fixed one of the "nice yo meet you"'s, but there's still several pages with that heading in feature mode :p
  2. Offline


    Can we make web addons yet?
  3. Offline


    Not yet.
  4. Offline


    What options do we have for permisisons? SpaceBukkit permission manager (if this is built in), permission plugins?
  5. Offline


    Well I'm in charge of permissions and I want something that is, ... simply said, ... awesome.. :D
    So excpect that in the open beta maybe somewhere ..
  6. Offline


    I'd like to make the following suggestion for the permission system. When choosing permissions, you can turn the panel into permission mode where every buttom/tab/textbox has a checkbox next to it which allows you to select what can be clicked.
  7. Offline


    We call "panel permissions" "roles" to avoid confusion with "ingame" permissions.
    They are roughly implemented, it allows you to create roles and allow access to only certain pages. A widget-selection permissions system is in the works.
  8. Offline


    Yeah roles sounds much better, would the widget be similar to what I described?
  9. Offline


    More or less, yes.
    B3NW likes this.
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  11. Offline


    Just some random bureaucratic matter. When we'll release open beta I will create a new thread, and recycle this one for "2.0", since it is mostly WIP talk.
    Antariano out.
  12. Offline


    Awesome, if it's not in this section, remember to update this thread with the link :) I'm guessing it's rather soon too, seeing as though you're looking into minor things such as that :D
  13. Offline


    When would this be possible to download?
  14. Offline


    Everyone asks, no-one knows?
    JWhy likes this.
  15. Offline


    Open beta will commence soon enough. I have an exam the 25th and plan to work towards open beta afterwards, so I'd say the end of this month is open beta day.

    You can always track our issues here: https://github.com/SpaceDev/SpaceBukkit/issues
    Open beta hits when all (major) issues are solved.
    dragonhib likes this.
  16. Offline


    Awesome, btw i wrighted in your forum, about that i can translate this! :D
  17. Offline


    Sure, we are testing the language system and will publish the language files once it's ready!
  18. Offline


    Looking forward to open beta! I can translate to Norwegian when the language files are published.
  19. Offline


    Where can I donate? You're an awesome dev, I want to help keep you that way :p
  20. Offline


    Thanks man :)
    I've put a button on the frontpage :)
  21. Offline

    Nathan C

    Omg, come on beta!

    Also question: Will this somehow be able to work with a RAMdisk setup server?
  22. Offline


    Jup, SpaceBukkit doesn't change how your server runs.. :)
    Antariano likes this.
  23. Offline


    Another side note:
    SpaceBukkit will be renamed for it's 2.0 release since it will work with vanilla and spout, too!
    We've settled down to a name, but won't reveal it before open beta of SpaceBukkit.
    Antariano out, back to work
    Nathan C and dragonhib like this.
  24. Offline


    The Spout compat is a really good news. Your work is so awesome and today I can't manage my server without Spacebukkit. Did you plan to add CraftBukkit++ compat also (until a stable Spout build release) ?

    Keep up the good work !! Thanks to the SpaceBukkit Team :)
  25. Offline


    Is cb++ different in plugin development? Otherwise it'd work fine ;)

    Thanks <3 :D
  26. Offline


    No, CB++ is a Tweaked version of Craftbukkit by Afforess. CB++ works fine with Spacebukkit. My question was about the server tab, where it is possible to download directly a CB build...
  27. Offline


    Excellent, thanks for the input, I'll definitely try and implement such a scenario
    HereInPlainSight and dragonhib like this.
  28. Offline


    Not sure - you may have this already - but how about a system where you can add new possible .jar's to use?


    Fill in URL: Name: Poll for updates? (checkbox) Use:
    http://craftbukkitplusplus CB++ x x
    [ Add ]

    Mmm mmm?

    http://gyazo.com/85b2669d2cfe920bae9ff170c3a20e07 (XF screws up formatting)
  29. Offline


    Problem would be getting infos about what version the jar file is (and if it's newer than the current one)
  30. Offline


    Exactly, this is the main issue.
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