Only Hostile Mobs

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by LemonLimes4ever, Dec 2, 2013.

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    Plugin category: mechanics

    Suggested name: OnlyHostileMobs

    What I want: Passive mobs cannot spawn only Hostile mobs can spawn.

    Ideas for commands: No commands needed for this plugin.

    Ideas for permissions: No permissions

    When I'd like it by: as soon as possible. :)
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    You can do that in the bukkit.yml already

    thats how it looks by default

      monsters: 70
      animals: 15
      water-animals: 5
      ambient: 15
    and something like this should do what you want

      monsters: 70
      animals: 0
      water-animals: 0
      ambient: 15
    Mathias Eklund likes this.
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    LemonLimes4ever Like L33m4n123 stated you can use what he/she suggested or do you server.PROPERTIES and set animal spawning to false. If you are also using MultiVerse just go to the worlds config in MultiVerse-Core and set animal spawning in that to off.
    Mathias Eklund likes this.
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    Mathias Eklund

    LemonLimes4ever You should search for already existing plugins/ways of doing stuff before you create a request thread.
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    Oh ok alright I forgot about that. Thanks :)
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