onCommand arguments

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by dvargas135, Oct 21, 2015.

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    I'm trying to notify all players when someone does "/notify <message>". I've tried using args.toString() but it just shows [​IMG]
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    I believe you need a string builder for this, but I'm not positive.
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        public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command cmd, String label, String[] args){
            if (cmd.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("galaxyalert")){
                if(args.length > 0){
                    for(String s : args)
                    for (Player p : Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers()){
                        if (p.hasPermission("galaxy.staff")){
          return true;
    With this code, when I do "/galaxyalert hi how are you" it doesn't show it all in one line
  6. Offline


    As @Scimiguy already said, you need a string builder since you're sending it privately. There's many ways to do it rather than string builder. I suggest looking it up on google :p
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  8. Offline


    String builder is probably the best way though.

    If you're thinking about just doing args[0] + args[1], etc... Then you're just using super inefficient string builders.
    Programming is about solving problems, and learning. This kind of task is exactly what stringbuilders are for, should learn how to use em
  9. Offline


    This is easy dude.. Need the code? Haha... Whatever, here you go:

    //creating the String
    String msg = "";
    //getting all the arguments
    for(int i = 0; i < args.length; i++){
         //modifying 'msg' String to contain the args
         msg = "" + args[i];
    //gets online players 
    for(Player players : Bukkit.getServer().getOnlinePlayers()){
          //check for the online players who has a specific permission
             //send the message
    dvargas135 likes this.
  10. Offline


    (This is just an extension to your post)
    The problem here isn't that it is slow. The problem is the memory costs.

    Basically, when you create a new String, wich never existed before, then it gets stired in a so called "string pool". The problem with this one, is that it never gets deleted from there, not matter how much memory left. Basically, if the user types in a 10 words long message, ans you use the args[0] + args[1]... method, then it will store 10 different words in the memory. If the server never stops, then it can cause a memory leak pretty easily.
    dvargas135 likes this.
  11. Offline


    Thanks! Will test

    Thanks for the info +1 follower

    This just gets the last argument. I type "/alert omg hai" it just says "hai"

    <Edited by bwfcwalshy: Merged posts, please use the edit button rather than double posting.>
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 23, 2015
  12. Offline


    That's because he's setting the message to "" every time before he adds to it.

    You should still be using a stringbuilder though
  13. Offline


    Try adding a space as so:
    msg = "" + args + " ";

    That should split all the args and make it a complete string
  14. Offline


    You're still setting it to "" before doing anything with it each time
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  16. Offline


    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    for (int i =0; i < args.length; i++) {
        sb.append(" ");
  17. Offline


    Try msg += args + ˙" ", if you want to stick with this answer, but I recommend, what @Scimiguy said.
  18. Offline


    Don't forget to trim to remove those pesky extra spaces.
  19. Offline


    Errr no. You're right that you might be creating excess Objects (instances of String), but it is certainly not true that these are never GC'd. The JVM will GC out of the String Pool if it needs to. You're not going to run into any issues here.

    -1 for misinformation.
    Mrs. bwfctower likes this.
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    I'm currently talking about java 6, the version that craftbukkit is written. The string pool only was moves from the permgen into the heap space in java 1.7, before that the garbage collector couldn't delete them. Everybody should use java 1.6 with bukkit, so there wouldn't be so much compatibility issue everywhere.
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  24. Offline


    What section is not undestandable?
  25. Offline


    Your solution to out of date technology is to use it over new technology?

    Everyone should be building with 1.7 at the minimum, or even 1.8 with back-support for 1.7 if necessary
  26. Offline


    Not every host supports 1.8, not even 1.7 sometimes.
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    1.6 is obsolete, that sticky is from a long time ago.

    Also, I'm fairly certain 1.6 would garbage collect Strings.
  28. Offline


    Sometimes...It depends on the VM (for example most VM types for windows did not).
  29. Offline


    I could also argue with that saying "some hosts might still use 1.5, we should use that instead"

    Java 1.6 is very much out of date, and shouldn't be used anymore. If a host still uses it, and it causes a problem for a user, then that user can request that the plugin we backdated for them
  30. Offline


    The second argument is totally right. But there is only a slight problem with the "a hist can use java 1.5 too" sentence. No, it's inpossible, that a host uses java 1.5, because bukkit is written in java 1.6, so it won't run on it. But maybe we should get back to the thread.
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