Now that 1.9 Pre-release out.

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by a_sulaitiqa97, Sep 22, 2011.

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  1. Offline


    I hope someone can make chunk updater once official is out. It's too damn annoying that we have to regenerate a new world on each 1.x update Chunk updater would be really great addition. It will keep plugins but update the chunks
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    Nathan C

    Don't think it is possible. ;/
  3. Offline


    The best you are probably going to get is a 3rd party tool that deletes unused chunks. Such as this
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    stupid jump orb thing...
  5. Offline


    Plugins have nothing to with the world. There are a number of plugins and third party tools that can regenerate chunks
  6. Finally got all my plugins and 1185 server fricking 100% stable...
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    suggest us any 3rd party tool that can help admins to dont wipping world every 1.x release! i have wipped 2 maps 4 time.. for some stupid features..
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