
Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by cato11112, Dec 23, 2014.

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    I need a plugin that can remove a players name from the player list with 1 command and make corruption like changes for example some items in a players inventory will have that &k effect on some of the letters and change color in the text and simulate corruption when coming X blocks near a player. I am trying to make a gamemode where 1 player can go arround as the corruptor and corrupt blocks and players stats but not (may) actually change them. For example a player's health goes to 1, 12, 15, 9, 11, 16 and so on and change color rapetedly. The closer you are the corrupted player the more corruption you get. Your sight will fail (switching from blindness and normal some times) and change X radius blocks away from the player and gets normal when the player goes away. The name tags over the player will get corrupted too and change, gets normal when goes away from it. The enchantments on the weapons will get corrupted too and normal when going away. The player who are corrupted can have a smoke circle arround them that tells other normal players that there is where the corruption starts. The scoreboards will get corrupted too and change on the normal player when he/she gets near the corrupted player. For the corruption player he will only see the ground change and the smoke barrier.

    The permission nodes can be:
    Everyone who shall have access to the commands MUST have this or they will only get the message "this command don't exist" on the server
    With this node the player who have this will get 1 command: "/corruption ignore" with this command they can disable/enable the effects of the corrupted player

    Please add more permission nodes and commands when you have an idea of some
    A player MUST write those exactly correct or they will get the command dont exist message, Even when just typing /corruption. Only the one who have the acces permission node can get all commands with /corruption command.

    The blocks that get placed arround the corrupted player randomly can be sponge bedrock and obsidian

    EDIT: Players may randomly change skin when near a corrupted player.
    Must have a config file where we can disable/enable each effects or thru a command

    EDIT: Swap arround the places of items on non corrupted players and give them the nausea effect so it will be a little hard to kill the corrupted player.

    EDIT: A config option will disable/enable player skin changing and nametag changing if some cases the server laggs out when plugin is in use or the player's skin glitches out until relogging
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2014
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    I don't think its possible to "corrupt" the nametags without constantly changing the player's skin. Also such a change would cause other clients to constantly re-render the player, making a really weird looking effect on the player and possibly creating client lag. (Probably not, but possibly. =P)
    cato11112 likes this.
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    I like the idea to change the skin to a player randomly when near a corrupted player
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    Well, it would more likely just be changing them to a Steve skin...
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    You can change the DisplayName instead of the PlayerName.
    But then optimally the server owner must configure his playerlist/chat-plugin to show a players DisplayNames intead of the real name, if there is one set.
    This way you would not have to change the players skin to change the name tag.
    cato11112 likes this.
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    That would be good to, Change the playertag and the playerlist name
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