I've been writing algorithms in Java for ages now and decided I wanted to make something which is actually useful for more than finding the LCM or whatever, so now I'm trying to make a bukkit plugin :O 1. Anyways, I was wondering how one would go about initializing variables to be used in the onCommand method, if i try to initialize them in onEnable eclipse goes on about how they don't exist. I realise there's not an entire lot of uses for this but I'd be nice to know anyway. 2. Can anyone recommend decent tutorials for general bukkit stuff, most of the ones I find on YouTube I don't feel I can trust since they don't seem to know what they're talking about.
TheBCBroz has loads of tutorials on YouTube, for written ones, I recommend http://wiki.bukkit.org/HUGE_Plugin_Tutorial
Yeah, I've gotten past the HUGE Plugin Tutorial and TheBCBroz were one of the people I was referring to who don't appear to know what they're doing :/
I highly disagree with this, because BCBroz showed me how to do some stuff... they're really helpful, just because they don't do exactly as you plan to learn, doesn't mean they "don't know what they're doing :\"... If you know basic java, BukkitAPI is as easy as it gets, IMO...
Yeah I know java, the problem is Bukkit He doesn't know what a tick is :L EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
1101001 I would suggest learning basic java from thenewboston (on youtube), then look into TheBCBroz tutorials (yes, the first ones have some outdated stuff, but you will easily figure this out).
1101001 Well all make mistakes. I'm sure that since he has 40 tutorials and knows how to work with most stuff, he knows what a tick is. Maybe he didn't then, but that's the point of learning.