NoCheatPlus Bungee Bridge

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by FreakyPear5, Mar 3, 2019.

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  1. Hi!

    On my Minecraft server I run NCP on each game server. However if NCP catches someone hacking on a server when I'm on another, I do not know that they have been caught. Could someone please make me a Bungeecord notifier system? Thanks! :D

    Minecraft version: MC 1.12.2

    Plugin category: Bungeecord

    Plugin name: BungeeNCPBridge

    Use the NoCheatPlus API to link to a Bungeecord bridge, and then tell everyone with the correct permission which server the check was run on and the normal info that NCP has, like the player name and hack check.

    as far as I can see, none needed.

    bnb.notify (for notifs)

    I hope this is not too difficult to code. Thanks to everyone who helps! :D
  2. Online

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Bungeecord requires offline mode.
    Offline mode is not supported by Bukkit.
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