[NEXT GEN] Minecraft Server List suggestions wanted

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by IcyRelic, Nov 2, 2014.

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    I've been making a minecraft server list and I need a name for it now before you go yelling at me that there are too many already I am doing something no other server list has done yes it still the same concept but it makes it fair for everyone and gives everyone a chance to become number one each day and each month I'm trying to make this project as different as I can my goal is to make a new generation of a server list I got this idea from looking at my server and other server lists my server never got any from mine status or minecraft-mp cuz I'd always be far far down but my list will help 1 lucky server every day and another every month

    So I'm here to ask for name suggestions

    I've been given the name suggestion


    I want it to be unique one of a kind and easy to remember I'm not wanting to destroy other server lists just looking to offer more than they do to the smaller servers for free

    Also if you have any suggestions that could change the server list to be even more unique I'm fully open to suggestions

    Thank You, IcyRelic
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    I took a look at your plugins. You have one called LegendaryServerList. Have you thought of using that name for this server list?
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    Its not really unique though i hope i can find a unique one soon because im getting to the point in coding where i need cron jobs so im going to have to move off my localhost
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