[Need Dev] Two plugin ideas...

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by bruhcraft, Feb 10, 2015.

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    I was wondering, first off, if there is a currently active plugin with these features. If not, can someone possibly make one? http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/chat-admn-bukkitlink-1-7-link-to-other-servers-1-0-0-r1.51334/

    Second, is there a plugin currently where, via /giveaway, after a certain amount of time on server a day, can enter a giveaway for a specified item. Maybe it could be a physical item (ex. a tshirt) and ingame items (daily?). Also, I'd like it so the first time they'd have to supply an email for our newsletter, and to notify them if they win. If not, a plugin where you can do this would be nice.

    Thank you :)
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @bruhcraft Some features are supported on here. Not all. Cross server teleportation requires offline mode. Which is not supported on here, nor is it easy to make.
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    @timtower, Okay, makes sense! What about the second one?
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