Solved Need a bit of help :)

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by nuno1212sss, Jul 12, 2014.

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    So as you know from 1.6.x .getHealth() is ambiguous so you have to put bukkit before craftbukkit and so on, but I need to use the Effect enum from CraftBukkit since it is almost complete, while the bukkit one comes up short... Can someone help me with this?
  2. nuno1212sss Whaaaa? The getHealth() method still works - all it does is use a double instead of an int.
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    That isn't his problem... Read the question.
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    Solved here is the answer (For those who use IntelliJ)
    Un-import bukkit and craftbukkit and then click add, find the bukkit and open it, go to org.bukkit.entity and click the file, import that, then just add the module craftbukkit
    It should be fine, if you get the ambiguous error just re-import it :D
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