Nbt .getName() method

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by CorrieKay, Dec 20, 2013.

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    Hey there. Been a while since I've posted a thread here, but one of my plugins used by a friend of mine is in need of an update for 1.7.

    I use nbt to store a lot of my data, and as well, i used the getName() method for a lot of the tags. However, with the beta build for 1.7 that was released, apparently I'm not able to call this method anymore. There are a few other methods that i'm having issues calling as well.

    I looked into the github repository for the various bukkit and craftbukkit builds, but inside the net.minecraft.server package, the nbt class files are not there anymore.

    Are they restricting us from using NBT built into the server, or have they just not reimplemented it into the 1.7 build?
    (note, i specifically want the nms nbt, not just any nbt format)
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    Bump :S

    Nope, sorry :\

    I've always used NMS nbt tags.
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