Name autofill borked in 1.3.1?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Rexel, Aug 3, 2012.

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    Some reason the playername auto completion is slighty broken.

    It only seems to work if you start typing a players name in the chat first and [tab] to complete it, if you say put a command first and then try to put a players name and want to complete it with [tab].... like /money <Playe... [tab to complete] won't suggest/complete a name at all.

    On top of it being even more delay than I remember it having before..

    Also how stupid is it that Mojang make a chat options screen and still don't provide an options slider to say increase the chat history buffer to more than 100 friggin lines.. lame
  2. Offline


    Yes it is messed up somehow, it takes a second for the name to show up and when I use it next to a command nothing happens..

    *Sorry for gravedigging*
  3. Offline


    Yes i have the same problem. this is !?!....
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