Mystery Box

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by wiseguy1538, Jun 9, 2013.

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    So basically I have a server that has a mob arena with multiple maps featuring COD zombies maps and I want to incorporate a mystery box. I want a plugin that will randomly put an item defined in config from most rare-least rare and it will put it in the chest. Please reply if you think your going to try to make this plugin! Also I want it to a specifacally defined item (in the config) from the players inventory!
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    Do you want this for a predefined chest that will always be in the same place?
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    And by "specifacally defined item" do you mean that if they don't have said item the chest does not work?
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    I don't like how this won't let you put .jars on here. But anyways here is a .zip with the .jar in it.

    Attached Files:

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    Just make sure you use all the right .yml syntax and everything should work fine.

    Ohh the command to add chests as a mystery box is /mysterybox add or /mb add.
    You have to be Op to use it.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

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    pay to open chest, item randomizes above the chest, once it has chosen then the item spawns in the chest? and maybe some nice sound effects.
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    toxictroop That could work but you would need a frame close to the chest to show the item on. As for sFx, I have never done that but from what I have seen it could probably be done.
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    could even use an item-frame with a map and questionmark.
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    You could make it like a other plugin i so it use item frame and it go round in a cricle and but you have to add the items that it will random pick like say if i had 10 item in the fram to add the item you will look at the frame and hold the item in your hand and you type /mb add but if you want more then just 1 mb then you will have to make it like this and plus add a name to that itemframe like this /mb add Name this will be the name of what you set the item frame name this will allose have a command with to and to make it random pick a item there will be items in the chest but there will show a 2 chest but the item fram will be a hopper and but you can't open the item fram becuase you will have to be op and when it chochse a item it will auto dispen it in the chest i would make this plugin but i am working on tons of them. I realy hop that this help in some way!!

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