Hi, tell me please what type of tables is better to use on bukkit server and plug-ins, MyISAM or InnoDB?
InnoDB is what I use for most of my plugins. Bigbrother bbdata table is recommended to use MyISAM however.
Speaking in general database use, I've come to prefer InnoDB for its transaction support and foreign constraints. But I doubt plugins are ever so complex they need to worry about that level of functionality. I'm not sure what benefits MyISAM offers over InnoDB.
I actually had this dilemma a while ago. After googling for a while I found a perfect answer, there was a table of features and everything. I do not remember the page and couldn't find it in the first minute of googling, so I'm not giving you more of my time But from what I remember, unless you need those special features of innodb and complex data structures, stick with myisam.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MyISAM http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/InnoDB If you don't know how repair broken MyISAM table use InnoDB
InnoDB requires more memory than MyISAM. I have broken MySQL -> InnoDB when I use the plugin LogBlock, simply does not stand.
InnoDB have transaction support that use more memory and cpu, and slow insert\update. MyISAM faster for insert\update, but haven't transaction support. btw, ну у тебя видимо было жутко много апдейтов к таблице, что и привело к печальному результату на слабом железе
Let the developer make that choice, in most cases for bukkit innoDB (especially for logging programs like bigbrother)