Solved Muting.

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by x_Jake_s, Feb 9, 2015.

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    Alright so understand the use of Hashmaps to add a player to a mute which i have done and implemented, however i do not understand how one would add hours, minutes, seconds to the mute if someone could give me a quick crash course that would be awesome atm the i just have the feature that permanantly adds the player to the hashmap, mutes them and then typing the command again unmuted them and removes them from the hashmap.
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    @x_Jake_s It depends on how you manage your map, but I would suggest using
    Map<UUID, Date> mutedPlayers
    So you can have the date of when their mute expires, and if they are not in the map then they are not muted.
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    generally, map implementations like hashmaps, weakhashmaps ect, have different properties. The most common in bukkit plugin dev, is hashmap. So a map is like a table that stores a key and a value. to get the value you input the key and it returns the value.
    So lets say i have map:

    HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<>();
    map.put(":p",":p to you!");
    So the map will be like:
    So if i do:
    Bukkit.broadcastMessage(map.get("Hi")); it will broadcast "Hello" since thats the assigned value.

    In your case:
    Take a map <UUID,Long>
    in uuid purt player's uuid and in Long put system.curentTimeMils()+(timeinseconds/1000);
    when thwy try to chat check if they are in the map (map.containsKey(playersuuid)) and if they are cancel the event!
    Otherwise, let them chat.
    Careful!: when they chat, first check if they belong in the map, and once they do, check if the long assigned to them is <= to system.curenttimemills(); if it is, remove them from the map, it means their time is over:p
    Phew, hope that helps!
    ProMCKingz likes this.
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    Okay i loved the picture btw :D but heres what i have coded and im not sure how to implement the timing in it :
    (im only including the actual code for the single command to protect my plugin rights)

     public ArrayList<String> mute = new ArrayList<String>();
        if (command.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("mute")) {
           if (args.length < 1) {
             sender.sendMessage(prafix + ChatColor.WHITE
                 + "Usage: /mute <player> [time]");
             return false;
           } else {
            String message = "";
            if (args.length > 1) {
            for (int i = 1; i < args.length; i++) {
            message = message + args[i] + " ";
             Player p = Bukkit.getPlayer(args[0]);
             if ((p == null) || p.hasPermission("chatadmin.mute.bypass")) {
                   + ChatColor.GREEN
                   + p.getName()
                   + ChatColor.RED
                   + " is not online or you cannot mute that player.");
             } else {
               if (mute.contains(p.getName())) {
                 p.sendMessage(prafix + ChatColor.GREEN
                     + "You have been unmuted!");
                     + sender.getName() + ChatColor.GREEN
                     + " has Unmuted " + ChatColor.AQUA + p.getName() + ".");
               } else {
                 p.sendMessage(prafix + ChatColor.GREEN
                     + "You have been Muted by " + sender.getName());
                 Bukkit.broadcastMessage(prafix + ChatColor.AQUA
                     + sender.getName() + ChatColor.GREEN
                     + " has muted " + ChatColor.AQUA + p.getName() + ChatColor.GREEN + " for " + ChatColor.RED + message);
    now after reading what you have put i kind of understand a little bit more but im still not there at where to insert the items im guessing its the basic :

    public HashMap<UUID, Long) mute = new HashMap<UUID, Long>();

    and then to add the player to it:

    muted.put(p.getName() + System.curentTimeMils()+(interval/1000);

    but it doenst work?

    ** and yes the command i showed doesnt have a permission link but i add that in usually when i finish the command.
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2015
  5. Offline


    Hint: You're storing a string in a HashMap that doesn't contain a String key.
  6. Offline


    so would i add a third variable to the hashmap? like UUID, String, Long? im still doing trial and error in my plugin so i might figure it out eventually but i do need help when i cant get it.

    Edit #1:
    okay so i think i finally got the code to be happy with:
                 public HashMap<String, Long> mute1 = new HashMap<String, Long>();        
             if (mute1.containsKey(p.getName())) {
                 mute1.put(p.getName(), System.currentTimeMillis()+(interval/1000));
    is this right?

    Edit #2:
    i think i finally got it to work:
              if (mute1.containsKey(p.getName())) {
                 p.sendMessage(prafix + ChatColor.GREEN
                     + "You have been unmuted!");
                 Bukkit.broadcastMessage(prafix + ChatColor.AQUA
                     + sender.getName() + ChatColor.GREEN
                     + " has Unmuted " + ChatColor.AQUA + p.getName() + ".");
               } else {
                 if (mute1.containsKey(p.getName())) {
                   p.sendMessage(prafix + ChatColor.GREEN
                       + "You have been Muted!");
                   Bukkit.broadcastMessage(prafix + ChatColor.AQUA
                       + sender.getName() + ChatColor.GREEN
                       + " has Muted " + ChatColor.AQUA + p.getName() + ".");
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2015
  7. Offline


    You were declaring a hashmap with a UUID, then you were assigning values with the player's name, which is a string, not a UUID.
  8. Offline


    Alright i got it now i finally got it to work thanks for all of your help guys!
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