Multiverse: Lag when changing worlds! 80+ Users online

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by SupaYoshi, Jan 27, 2012.

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    Hello, when I use Multiverse, ​
    and I've been experiencing this probllem quite awhile now,​
    I experience quite alot of lag when changing to another world,​
    especially when moving to anohter world.​
    Ticks drop from 8 to 2 or something when someone switches world,​
    and the whole server lags down ;)
    Making people scream LAG LAG LAG.​
    Question: How do I solve this lag keeping my Multiworld, I need this world the​
    playershops and shopworld, for the rest there is no need for another world.
    Is there another solution? Maybe I will just have to get rid of Multiverse ;)
    Ticks delay from 5 to 2 when they switch worlds ;) HELP!​
    So what am I doing wrong, this is my config file for Multiverse-Core 2.2, and Multiverse Portals 2.2
    Config Multiverse-Core
    # This is the MV2 Config. If you mess it up, copy the values out
    # delete it, and it will be regenerated. Then use the ingame interface
    # to add your values back via the "/mv conf" command.
    # When in-game, simply type: "/mv conf ?" for help.
    # A config with explanations can be found here:
    worldnameprefix: false
    enforceaccess: false
    displaypermerrors: true
    teleportintercept: true
    firstspawnoverride: true
    messagecooldown: 2500
    version: 2.7
    fakepvp: false
    disableautoheal: false
    debug: 0
    firstspawnworld: UnitedFactions
    Config Multiverse-Portals
    # This is the MV-Portals Config. If you mess it up, copy the values out
    # delete it, and it will be regenerated. Then use the ingame interface
    # to add your values back via the "/mvp conf" command.
    # When in-game, simply type: "/mvp conf ?" for help.
    # A config with explanations can be found here:
    wand: 271
    useonmove: true
    portalsdefaulttonether: false
    enforceportalaccess: true
    portalcooldown: 200
    version: 2.6
    Orebfuscator, FoundBoxx, GroupManager, Minequery, WorldEdit, SimpleTips, Buycraft, SpamGuard, Vault, Multiverse-Core, CombatTag, TreeAssist, WorldGuard, ObsidianDestroyer, NoPortals, Register, Permissions, ObsidianFlow, OpenInv, mcbans, ChestShop, UnderWaterTNT, NoCheat, Votifier, MonsterBox, mcMMO, Essentials, WorldBorder, Citizens, EssentialsProtect, EssentialsSpawn, Multiverse-Portals, dynmap, EssentialsChat, Factions

  2. Offline


    All I can say is increase the portal cooldown, other than that try plugins like PTweaks and or NoLagg
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