Multiple worlds

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by amitlin14, Mar 19, 2013.

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    How much strain will around 30-40 worlds cause to the server, and if there is any way of reducing that strain like no having chunks loaded if not asked by a player.
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    What does this have to do with plugin development..?
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    StyL_TwisT Im developing a plugin that uses multiple worlds, i want to know how much strain it will cause o.o
  4. Offline


    Well all those spawn areas stay loaded, so yes, it will cause strain. How much, I'm not sure, but probably equal to having 15 extra players on (at least)
  5. Offline


    Holy hell why would you ever need 30-40 worlds?

    Why not just use multiple parts of a few worlds?
  6. Offline


    ZeusAllMighty11 I dont want players to see other players names when on a different part of the world
  7. Offline


    All you need to do is use the vanish api to hide the other players.
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    Yes, doing checks every few seconds to compare the player locations. If the two players are in the same world, and the distance is greater than a number, hide the players from each other (and optionally don't hide the players from mods/admins/etc).
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