Multi-world performance.

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Intelli, Mar 17, 2011.

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  1. Offline


    Hey everyone,

    Does anyone know how well bukkit handles multiple worlds? Does it still limit both worlds run on a single server, to a single core?

    Ultimately, what would be most efficient for having two worlds?
    1. Running two separate server instances (My server has 8 cores)
    2. Having two worlds running through a plugin via bukkit.

    Thanks for any feedback!
  2. Offline


    As far as I'm aware, everything is pretty much being handled on a single core (bukkit and plugins does some things on separate cores but map caching and all the heavy stuff is done on one core). I do run multiple worlds on my server, several of them configured differently and I really don't notice much of a performance hit unless someone is playing around with TNT. It's more about ram for the most part unless there's a heavy workload going on, like TNT or plugin assisted construction or map rendering.

    Personally, I'd say limit Bukkit to two cores and use the other 6 for something else [​IMG]. (Maybe high resolution map renderings?)
  3. Offline


    Is it possible to run two instances of craftbukkit and then link them for multiworld? If this is possible I would really really like it. Bukkit totally eats 1 core and then ignores the rest so I could easily have 2 instances running.
  4. Offline


    You could run 2 servers and link them with serverport. Each server would be assigned to one port.
  5. Offline


    Would I run both from the same directory? If not I don't see how some of my plugins like WormholeXtreme would operate properly.
  6. Offline


    Nope, they would be totally diferent servers. Serverport is a plugin that creates a portal between servers that links inventory and health, and merge chat. All the other stuff would be diferent, and would have no integration.
  7. Offline


    Well that seems silly. I'm sure there has to be a way to run multiworld in two instances and share data somehow. Time to go play with settings!
  8. Offline


    That is a pretty large undertaking :).

    In fact, even getting multi-world to work at all is pretty impressive.

    They implement it by running each world instance one after another. To handle multiple worlds in multiple threads would require massive syncing.

    For example, you could have an event triggered by one plugin modifying data for the other world.
  9. Offline


    Yeah after playing with it for a while I've come to realize this total sadness :/ The lack of decent multithreading is leaving 5 of my cores cold and one cooking all the bacon.
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