Question Multi-Verse Core Help?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Rock_Cam12, Jan 26, 2015.

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    Hello, its Rocky
    I downloaded Multi-Verse Core and i have a couple worlds, running a 1.7.9-R0.2 CraftBukkit Beta version. How do i seperate plugins on each world. Like have a PVP world with only PVP plugins over there? Thanks for reading, and if you can help, its appreciated :)
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    I have never seen this implemented, and although I cannot say for sure it isn't possible with my limited knowledge of java, I doubt it. An alternative would be to simply give players permissions on a world basis, which can be easily achieved using any of the main permissions plugins (pEX, Group Manger etc).

    If you tell me the plugin you use for permissions I would be happy to have a look into how to implement this :)
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    Go to...
    and configure a group for users with their permissions for that world there, then go to the other world's group file and make a separate group with permissions for that one.

    In the main config.yml, you can edit the mirrors for syncing the different world's user files, but still have them use separate groups. Use for reference.
    Rock_Cam12 likes this.
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