Plugin Request Multi Chestvoting

Discussion in 'Plugin Help/Development/Requests' started by Scorpionvssub, Jun 29, 2015.

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    Name: Multivote

    #while the use is not a permission node that is a must, a way to negate it to people that you wanna disallow the usage is always handy.
    - Multivote.<name>.use
    - Multivote.create(default op) *Used to create the chests.*

    Commands:(Not mv as to not mess with multiverse commands)
    /multivote create <name>
    /multivote remove <name/all>
    /multivote give <playername> <chestname> *this will give the key related to that chest*

    Example for multivote give:
    Say i wanna give claire a OP chest key, i do /multivote give claire OP, in her inventory will be OP Key which she can use on the OP chest to get the items at a % chance.

    Error msgs:

    [MultiVote] &9This chest is already assigned.(incase someone does multivote create <name> when a chest is already named.


    You put down a chest lets call the chest Voter. To create it an admin/op does /multivote create Voter(making sure hes looking at the chest) A seperate config file is created called "Voter".
    In this config is the chest name, the key name, incase you wanna recolor it and its location. On top of that would be a list called Items:

    Like so:

    #name of the chest
    Name: Voter
    #this you can change to &6&k|||&4Voter Key&6&k|||
    KeyName: Voter Key
    Permission node: MultiVote.Voter.use
    30% give %player% diamondblock 64
    30% give %player% emeraldblock 64
    40% eco give %player% 1000000
    the 30% is the chance of that command being chosen and performed.(All leading up to 100%)

    The permission that goes with this would be - Multivote.Voter.use
    A listener like GAL or Voteroulette would take care of giving such key.

    The plugin doesnt really require a msg to be given on item/money given and if u do add 1 please allow a '' so it doesnt return anything or add a return msg: false option.

    Like so:

    #This is the main config that controls msgs and such.
    Prefix: &6[&9MutliVote&6]
    #when a crate already been created.
    *prefix* &9 This chest already been named!
    #Succesfully created a chest.
    *prefix*&9 You succesfully created the chest named&6 <chest name>!
    #removing a chest.
    *prefix*&9 Succesfully removed chest!
    #not a chest.
    *prefix*&9 This is not a multivote chest!
    #turn this to true to broadcast the msg to other players when someone got an item.
    Broadcast: false
    message: &6<player> &9got a&6 <> &9from the&6 <chestname> &9chest!
    ###And some others that are needed to do all the commands for setting up###

    Same goes if i made a chest called OP, it would create a OP config file seperatly from Voter only for that chest i looked at when doing /multivote create <name>, and a key to go with it called "OP Key"

    #name of the chest
    Name: OP
    #this you can change to &6&k|||&4OP Key&6&k|||
    KeyName OP Key
    #Give this to your users to allow key usage!
    Perm node: MultiVote.OP.use
    30% give %player% diamondblock 64
    30% give %player% emeraldblock 64
    40% eco give %player% 1000000
    Hopefully i explained it well enough and clearly and this is doable :) i think many people find use in this.

    If i missed anything while writing this its 1:20 in the morning ill edit it. Might be a few typo's not sure.
    But i hope the basic idea is clear enough :)
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2015
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    If i would have time i would made this :/, Hope someone can tho ^^. Good Luck! + Bump
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    @ContextCreator Shame you cant :( and haha thanks looked it over forgot to add a way to get the key "multivote give player chestname"

    Thanks for the bump haha
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2015
    ContextCreator likes this.
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    Im not the best developer, and currently still learning, but I could try it as a challenge. Give me some time, and I will report back to you...
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