Question Motd question

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by thomsmacksqwad, Apr 20, 2020.

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  1. Offline


    Guys i wanted the motd of essentials to only show up in the player-who-joined's chat,so other players cant see the msg. Is it possible to do?If yes ,plz lets me know how to do it. :) basically
    the 'welcome!<player> ' msg that is shown in chat whenever a player joins,i wanted that player
    only to read the msg hope this is clear enough
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2020
  2. Offline


    The MOTD only shows for the player that joins... I'm confused.
  3. Offline


    um... so the Welcome!<player> thingy only shows up on that players chat page thats hat i meant
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