How to change the color of your MOTD I wanted to share to everyone about how to change the color of your MOTD! Follow these steps carefully! 1. Make sure your server is updated to 1.4 2. Open your 3. Scroll down until you see MOTD 4. Follow this color code: §0 = Black §1 = Dark Blue §2 = Dark Green §3 = Dark Aqua §4 = Dark Red §5 = Purple §6 = Gold §7 = Grey §8 = Dark Grey §9 = Indigo §a = Bright Green §b = Aqua §c = Red §d = Pink §e = Yellow §f = White 5. Put the color code with the § in the front of your text for the colors 6. If your server is not updated to 1.4, this will not work
when i use §o§l§n(its bold, italic and underline) no one can join my server please reply fast sethro34
I noticed, after adding the MOTD color, my (1.4.2 craftbukkit) server began crashing regularly every five minutes or so. I've removed the color code, server has stopped crashing/reloading/restarting. Couldn't figure out what was causing it, but so far, this seems to have been the source of the problem. Edit: Was using the format: motd=\u00A79Server Name\u00A7b 1.4.2
It did the same for me. What I did was I reset my motd to something without colors then restarted my server and tried again. Check out my server, Emerald City! Mc.EmeraldFactions.Net
Hi, I am on a Mac and everything seems to work fine accept the ?'s appear. I removed all the /'s and all that seem to do is make the coding text visible and take the color away. Please help
Are you using the § or the & symbol? the & symbol doesn't work. If the question marks or the /'s show up then clear your MOTD and restart your server then restart.
Cant seem to get this to work, i have tried &3 and §3 but all i get in server list when i use them is funky characters. I have restarted every change and still no color in MOTD. When i do it with &3 the &3 shows up on the server list motd, with the §3 is when i get funky characters in motd. Running latest beta bukkit 1.4.2 Is a space needed between the code and text?
Note to anyone that uses McMyAdmin, this feature will NOT work until MCMA updates to add this feature...
Im still having trouble. The question mark is still appearing. I am using § and when I delete /'s, it shows the code such as ua000. I am also a mac user.
Wherever a ? appears, go back to your MOTD and remove the text \u00C2 Or basically any thing from\ on to the next \. Leave the second \ and any text after it.
It took me HOURS to figure it out but if id does not work try restarting your server or changing your motd!!!
Someone help This is my MOTD [1.4.7] §6SavageCraft! [§4PVP§5KITS§aEconomy]! and I keep getting this in the display Picture is : [1.4.7]?(Gray) SavageCraft!(Gold)[?(gold)PVP?(red)KITS?(PURPLE)ECONOMY?]!(GREEN) The ( ) don't show I'm just telling the colors! PLEASE HELP ASAP!