Most elegant way to call another plugins command

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by mxE333xm, Jun 9, 2011.

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    I'm trying to execute a command from another plugin. (So, for expamle Essentials's jail from my plugin). But I found no way that looks acceptable. At the moment I'm hooking into Essentials, but thats not good, as the other stuff that is made in essentials.onCommand or wherever isn't executed. So I'm looking for a way to let the plugin execute a command as it would have been executed from console.

    I heard about using the dispatchCommand, but that doesn't work for me.
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    I think there's a Server.dispatchCommand(...).
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    Ok, then I didn't managed to use it in the right way.

    m_pPlugin.getServer().dispatchCommand(Console.getCommandSender(m_pPlugin.getServer()) ,"kick");

    Thats my code. But that isn't working. And also I want to specify additional arguments, what isn't possible with that function.

    EDIT: Oh, my fail. Now it works -.- Thank you ;)
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    You should be able to add the arguments with spaces between.
    What's Console.getCommandSender?
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    Yes, i forgot that.

    As I can see that, it returns the commandsender-instance of the console.
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    I can't find the Console class, neither on github nor on the javadocs.
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    Mh, yes, I now found out that it went from essentials ;)

    But the method does basically nothing other than
    (See the essentials svn)
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