Plugin category: Random Minecraft version: 1.19.x (Mostly want it for 1.19.2 and 1.19.4) Suggested name: Moneydrop What I want: I was looking for a plugin when a player die he drops like 50% of his money but I didn't find any for 1.19+. So what I want is when a player die he drops % of his money (I can edit the % in the config) but when the money drops players can pick it up it should have hologram on the money saying how much money is it. (Hologram only shows if you are within 5 blocks and I can edit this as well) Ideas for commands: /Moneydrop <amount> (this drops money where you are standing not from your balance) Ideas for permissions: moneydrop.admin (to use the command) When I'd like it by: ASAP (please lol)
I mean I found one but it’s not exactly what I am looking for I don’t think you can pick up money