Modify amount of players shown to be online?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Phinary, Aug 3, 2012.

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    How would I go about modifying the amount of players the server shows to have online? I have seen some servers where they have like 10/2 players online, and I was wondering if there was any way to modify it to allow more players online then what it shows. For example, have it show 15/10 players online. Sorry if this doesn't make much sense.
  2. Offline


    I think that is more of a server glitch, but then again, I could be wrong.
  3. Offline


    Almost certain this can be done without a server glitch. I have seen some servers where donors can join when the server is full, so the server will say like 107/100 players online because there will be 7 donors online. I am guessing they set the player cap above 100, then modify it somehow to show that it is only 100, so when a non donor joins and more then 100 players are on, it kicks them off.
  4. Offline


    While I do not recall the exact way to do it, there has already been discussion on allowing more then max allowed players to connect (and I think a plugin or two) so I would look around. As for FAKING it to seem like there is more then the server actually has, that's a different story and much more difficult but has also been discussed and done. Simply search back into some older posts and you will find it.
  5. Offline


    Figured it out. Just need to simply do

    On a PlayerLoginEvent listener.
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