Modifiable Potion Ingredients Plugin

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by poxsgaming, Sep 2, 2015.

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    A plugin that allows server owners to change the ingredients of the potions in their server.
    Required ingredients would be modifiable in a config file.
    Brewing process would still be done with a brewing stand, only thing that changes is the ingredients.

    Would be very handy for mmo servers that want to keep a flow of the economy in their servers to circulate certain items needed for potions.
  2. Offline


    You can't modify ingredients, you need a mod for it.
  3. You are correct that you cannot modify vanilla potion ingredients, however you can change the items in the slots (even if they aren't appropriate ingredients or items) and set the brew timer. McMMO does this in their Alchemy skill, once you unlock new potions. To a player, this would be the same as custom brewing ingredients unless they are getting a lag spike delaying server responses.
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