Moderate Spells Plugin

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Naruchico, Apr 9, 2011.

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    I run a Role Playing server and many of my players are asking for some sort of magic.

    I have looked through many and found they are either way to OP or not what I'm looking for at all.

    This is kinda what I'm looking for:

    Heal- fully heal target player, no target self.
    Light- Make yourself glow for 5 minutes
    Arrow- Just shoots arrows out
    Ice ball- Snowball but does damage
    Summon Wolf- something flashy heh
    Grow- Basically Bonemeal
    Summon Animal- Yup cows, and chickens

    Pretty basic list
    and maybe a Mana number so each spell has so many uses, have it recharge over time, or have a magic altar to refill.

    any other spell suggestions would be great, I just want a very non-griefer spells base, so no explosions, instant-mine, or things like that.

    If you think this is possible I will greatly appreciate it, and so would many of our members!
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  3. Offline


    I seen those, they are my example of what I don't want...
  4. Offline


    Is this not possible, my mages guild group is begging for some spells that are easy to do and not over powered, it would be so greatly appreciated!!
  5. Offline


    hm agree, they are overpowered.
    ask the developer @nathanwolf, he is always open for ideas :)
  6. Offline


    Thanks for the idea I sent him a message :)
  7. Offline


    Second, I have been asking this in the mcMMO thread, but since its a bit offtopic its not a priority there.
    The arrow thing should work even if you dont have arrows in your inventory, so its a magic arrow :D.

    The current spell and rune plugins make players worldedit-wizards :(

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